
 Rene and O'Luv Rocking

 O'Luv kept the audience spell bound

The Konkani Revolution marches.......

 The audience could not resist themselves from coming up to the stage to
perform with the Super Star O'Luv

Rocking & Rolling 

Way to go O'Luv

O'Luv and Rene getting the audience to join in

Goinkars Own Academy (GOA) Executive Committee

 Goinkars Own Academy (GOA's) Christmas New Year Get-together 
held on 8th January 2012 at St. Anthony's Parish.

 The venue before the event. Set-up in progress

Rev Fr. Melito Dias & Debbie Santamaria

Debbie Santamaria, Rev Fr. Robert D'Silva & Sabby Fernandes

Debbie Santamaria & Marshall Fernandes

Rev. Fr. Melito Dias - Parish Priest St. Anthony's Parish

Rev. Fr. Gasper Mendes, Julie & Austin Freitas, Rose Fernandes, Victoria Fernandes, Clara Fernandes, Vally & Joyce Gonsalves

Claudette, Christopher, Tony, Nassy, Naomi, Joel Santamaria

Rev Fr. Robert D'Silva

Christmas New Year Get-together

Danny Emanuel, Philo Dsouza & Philo D'Cruz

Debbie Santamaria & Rev Fr. Robbie D'Silva

Appreciation plaque for supporting Goinkars Own Academy (GOA) 2001 -2011 - Valentine Gonsalves & Debbie Santamaria

Minute to win it - Jingle in the Box - You have to move it move it!!

Danny, Debbie, Myra, Janet, Marshall, Philo, Sabby, Naomi & Rose

Nassy, Sabby, Debbie, Danny & Marshall

Marshall Fernandes - TOMBOLA TIME!!

Debbie, Francis & Marshall

GOA's Executive Committee Nassy Santamaria, Allan Goveas, Martha D'Souza (Volunteer) Tony Santamaria, Claudette Santamaria, Rev Fr. Gasper Mendes - Asst Priest St. Anthony's Parish, Clifford Fernandes, Victoria Fernandes, Rose Fernandes,Rev. Fr. Melito Dias - Parish Priest St. Anthony's Parish, Rev. Fr. Joe D'Mello - Asst Priest St. Anthony's Parish, Debbie Santamaria, Rev. Fr. Robbie D'Silva - Asst Priest Our lady of Fatima, Lovita Fernandes, Sabby Fernandes, Marshall Fernandes, Nikita Fernandes, Amanda Croning, Michelle Fernandes Gerry Croning, Marie Anna Croning, Naomi Santamaria, Kristen Fernandes

Debbie Santamaria, Martha Dsouza & Marshall Fernandes

Debbie & Nassy Santamaria singing "Moubailo Dou" with Alan Goveas on the Guitar
Debbie & Nassy Santamaria singing "Moubailo Dou" with Alan Goveas on the Guitar

Danny Emanuel on the Guitar singing Country Western Songs

Danny Emanuel on the Guitar singing Country Western Songs

Danny Emanuel on the Guitar & Salsi Misquita singing English, Urdu songs

Clifford Fernandes, Danny Emanuel on the Guitar, Salsi Misquita, Gerry Croning & Debbie Santamaria

Clifford Fernandes, Danny Emanuel on the Guitar, Salsi Misquita, Gerry Croning, Debbie Santamaria & Marshall Fernandes

Clifford Fernandes, Danny Emanuel on the Guitar, Salsi Misquita, Gerry Croning, Debbie Santamaria & Marshall Fernandes

Clifford Fernandes, Danny Emanuel on the Guitar, Salsi Misquita, &  Debbie Santamaria

AdClifford Fernandes, Danny Emanuel on the Guitar, Salsi Misquita, Gerry Croning, Debbie Santamaria & Marshall Fernandes

Nassy Santamaria, Danny Emanuel, Sabby Fernandes, John Fernandes, Agnelo Misquita, Claudette Santamaria Debbie Santamaria & Clifford Fernandes singing " GORVANCHEAM GOTTEAN"

Nassy Santamaria, Danny Emanuel, Sabby Fernandes, John Fernandes, Agnelo Misquita, Claudette Santamaria Debbie Santamaria , Clifford Fernandes & Marshall Fernandes singing " GORVANCHEAM GOTTEAN"

Debbie Santamaria

Debbie Santamaria & Marshall Fernandes

Jingle in the Box

Jingle in the Box participants Adriana Gois, Sandra Mendonca, Cecelia Mendes, Salsi Misquita

Jingle in the Box participants Adriana Gois, Sandra Mendonca, Cecelia Mendes, Salsi Misquita

Jingle in the Box winner Salsi Misquita

Jingle in the Box winner Cecelia Mendes
Reindeer Nose Dive - Naomi Santamaria

Reindeer Nose Dive - Noel Rodrigues & Francis Misquita

Reindeer Nose Dive - Francis Misquita, Danny Emanuel & Marshall Fernandes

Reindeer Nose Dive - Noel Rodrigues

Reindeer Nose Dive - Danny Emanuel

Winner of Reindeer Nose Dive - Danny Emanuel

Winner of Reindeer Nose Dive - Noel Rodrigues
Christmas Bite - Clara Fernandes, Philo D'Souza, Pauline Dsouza & Constantine Mendes

Christmas Bite - Constantine Mendes in action

Christmas Bite - Clara Fernandes & Philo D'Souza in Action

Christmas Bite

Christmas Bite - Clara Fernandes, Philo D'Souza, Pauline Dsouza & Constantine Mendes

Christmas Bite

Rev. Fr. Melito Dias & Rev. Fr. Joe D'Mello

Debbie Santamaria

Feedback of our recently held Christmas New Year Get-together 2011-2012

Hi Debbie,

Thanks for the lovely evening of yesterday. We enjoyed the evening, program and the wonderful food.

Regarding the announcement you made before the closure of the future program for the year 2012, would be glad if you could forward to me on my e-mail id.

Thanks in advance, God Bless you and the Committee Members for arranging such wonderful program.


Christmas Tree At St. Anthony's Parish 
 held on 26th December 2011


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Baby Showers, corporate events, weddings, birthday, Communion, Baptism etc......whatever maybe the occassion, a cake is the centrepiece which reflects one's personality & taste. So if you like what you see, please feel free to give me a call or send me a message to my inbox.

Floral Sprays By Judith Dias

The Goinkars Own Academy (GOA) Members singing Konkani Carols during the Evening of Carols organisaed by St. Anthony's Church