Wednesday, 28 September 2011


About Us:
The Goinkars Own Academy (GOA) Karachi PAKISTAN was established in 2001,  by Maurice Coutinho, as  the Goans of Pakistan  joined hands with organizations/associations the world over to celebrate World Goa Day, a brain child of Rene Barreto . World Goa Day (WGD) was introduced to commemorate the anniversary of the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution by the Indian Parliament on the 20th August 1992, when Konkani was recognized as one of the official languages of India.
WGD is celebrated as a day for Goans worldwide to focus and take pride in their identity, culture, language, traditions, music, cuisine, etc. The first World Goa Day was held on 20 August 2000,  objective was to unite Goans  the world in a day of common celebration.
After the departure of Maurice Coutinho  - President  Goinkars Own Academy (GOA) to Canada, Deborah Santamaria – the then Secretary (GOA) stepped into Maurice’s shoes and kept  the Goinkars Own Academy (GOA) flag flying. Goinkars Own Academy (GOA) has not only made a name for it selves in Karachi Pakistan, but the world over, as it not only promotes the Goan Culture, but also keeps alive our  Mai Bhas Konkani. GOA also arranges various events/outings i.e. Recollection Day, Weekend trips, Picnics,  Family Day, visit to various homes, resultantly bringing the community together socially and spiritually.
At the First World Konkani Cultural Convention held in Manglore, Goinkars Own Academy was among 25 Konkani Associations from around the world to be presented with an award by the honorable President of India Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil  for contribution to the growth and preservation of Konkani in the region.
GOA is also the founding member JKS Global Konkani Organization in Manglore.
To keep connected to our Global friends , FB Groups have been created for the Goinkars Own Academy – Karachi Pakistan as well as Global Goans “Goans Recipes” . The FB Group - Global Goans "GOAN RECIPE" has been created as the theme for next year’s World Goa Day  2012  (12th Anniversary) is “GOAN CUISINE ”.  Recipes posted to the FB Group or sent by e-mail to the undersigned will be posted to this Blog.

Regarding the Global Goans "Goans Recipes" project of sharing recipe by the Goans and friends of GOA Globally was a long-standing dream of Rene which will eventually become a reality with your help and support, as your / great ancestors treasured recipes sent to us are being shared by our Global friends in UNITY. We should continue this journey of togetherness of sharing in UNITY within the CommUNITY, so that our children the future generation be inspired to carry this torch of togetherness and continue this journey of sharing historic recipes of their great great great ancestors.
This would be our GLOBAL contribution in UNITY within our CommUNITY to our Motherland GOA.

I look forward to your feedback and your support in sharing your recipes to make the "GLOBAL GOANS " GOANS RECIPES" blog the most treasured and historic site for one and all.

Long Live this Global UNITY.
Deborah Santamaria
President - Goinkars Own Academy - KARACHI – PAKISTAN
Global Konkani Organisation
Alliance of Goan Associations - ASIA
World Alliance of Goan Associations

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