Thursday, 6 October 2011

Giving back to GOA

I would like to share this poem with you, which I wrote way back in 2005 for (World Goa Day)  celebrations


Giving Back to Goa


Who cares how rich you are

Who cares how famous you may be

But I care if you give a little in UNITY

To our Goan CommUNITY


To make a difference to those who need it

Is all I ask of you

Come forward and join hands

With Goinkars Own Academy


A vision I have

A vision it will be

If a few don't come forward

In supporting me


I have planned to have Konkani classes

Plans it will always be

If we don't come forward

To Promote our Mai Bhas Konkani


I may not know to read / write Konkani

An amateur am I

An earnest effort though I make

To keep our Konkani alive


I'm trying my very best

Though perfect I may not be

At least I'll have the satisfaction

That I tried to promote our Mai Bhas KONKANI


We all love our motheland

No matter where we may be

And forget our Mother tounge

And that's our very own Mai Bhas KONKANI

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